Step 1
Gather all relevant evidence and information for the incident, including, but not limited to, documents that support the accusation, witnesses, UFID and names of all those involved, a course syllabus, and any other evidence related to the alleged violation.
Step 2
Submit a incident to SCCR’s reporting page with all gathered documentation. Faculty can propose whether a student will or will not be able to drop the course as an outcome. An Incomplete grade should be entered until the process is complete.
Step 3
Student Conduct and Conflict resolution will have an individual meeting with the student (Information meeting). In this meeting the student will review the charges, and have the opportunity to choose “Responsible” or “Not Responsible” to the charges.
Step 4
If the student chooses “Responsible” they will select whether they’d like to resolve the case via an Administrative Review or a Restorative Dialogue.
- The faculty member involved may choose to participate in the Restorative Dialogue.
If the student chooses “Not Responsible” to the charges they will select a hearing body type and the case will move forward in a hearing.
- The faculty member involved may choose to participate in the hearing as a reporting person or as a witness.
What to do about their grade? (if applicable)
Once a case has a resolved outcome, the faculty member will be notified by a member of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution regarding the findings. At this time, the faculty member should not do anything regarding sanctions.
- When the student receives the final decision letter, they have 10 class days to appeal the decision. If the appeal officer feels that they need to contact the faculty regarding the appeal, then they will. However, in most cases the faculty will not be contacted regarding the appeals process.
- Once the appeal process is over, a final decision letter will be sent to the faculty. At this point, if there are any grade changes required due to a responsible finding, the faculty must obtain the required paperwork from their department. The faculty must then submit this paperwork, at which time the faculty’s role in the conduct process is complete.