
What is an advisor?

Accused Students and Reporting Persons may have an advisor to assist them throughout the student conduct process. Any Advisor serves at the student’s own expense and initiative. The Advisor cannot serve in any other role, including as a witness, investigator, Student Conduct Administrator, Appeal Authority, Conduct Committee Advisor, or Hearing Body. The University is not responsible for selecting an Advisor for any student navigating the Student Conduct Process. It is the student’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for their Advisor to attend meetings, which will not be delayed due to scheduling conflicts of the chosen Advisor. The Advisor may be present to advise the Accused student or Reporting Person in any meeting and may participate in all aspects of a Disciplinary Proceeding, but shall not testify for the Accused Student or Reporting Person or be present absent the Accused Student or Reporting Person.

When can an Advisor actively participate?

An advisor may actively participate in Disciplinary Proceedings. The University defines Disciplinary Proceedings as Hearings, Collaborative Resolutions, and Administrative Reviews. (These are outlined in the Student Conduct and Honor Code, Regulation 4.040).

An advisor may be present to advise the Accused Student or Reporting Person, but may not speak for the student nor otherwise participate in any meeting not defined as a Disciplinary Proceeding. Examples of meetings that are not Disciplinary Proceedings include, but are notlmited to: information meetings, investigation meetings, intake meetings, conflict resolution meetings, or educational conversations about behavior (ECaB).

Guide to Active Advisor Participation

What happens if an advisor does not act within the limitations outlined for them?

If an advisor does not adhere to their defined role, they may be removed from the conduct meeting or hearing.

If I choose to have an advisor, what do I have to do next?

A Student who chooses to have an Advisor present during any Hearing or meeting, must provide the identity of the person(s) to the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or designee at least two (2) Class Days in advance and must provide the appropriate executed privacy waiver(s) during this notification and notify their advisor of the advisor’s their obligation to follow all University regulations, rules, policies and procedures throughout the Student Conduct Process. Failure to comply with the procedures for active advisor participation, may result in the advisor not being permitted to attend, or remain in attendance at the hearing or meeting.

It is the Student’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for their Advisor to attend meetings, which will not be delayed due to scheduling conflicts of the chosen Advisor.