Dean Certifications


Students and alumni who are applying to academic institutions or for employment which requires a disclosure of prior conduct information are encouraged to answer the question that was asked truthfully for that individual’s circumstances. As different institutions and employers phrase their questions differently, there is not one set answer that our staff can provide regarding completing your form accurately other than the previous statement.

The University of Florida Dean of Students Office does not release prior conduct information over the phone, as we are unable to verify the identity of the caller. If you are unsure of your prior conduct history, please submit a Records Request Form

Any document requiring academic and conduct verification can be dropped off or mailed to the Registrars Office located in Criser Hall. Faxes will not be accepted.

Registrar’s Office
Attn: Certifications
222 Criser Hall
PO Box 114000
Gainesville, FL 32611
Tel: (352) 392-1374

Any document requiring conduct verification only can be dropped off or mailed directly to Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution located in Peabody Hall. Faxes will ONLY be accepted if the institution requiring the verification will accept a fax from our office.

Dean of Students Office
Attn: Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution
202 Peabody Hall
PO Box 114075
Gainesville, FL 32611
Tel: (352) 392-1261 ext. 207

Please make sure you have:

  • Signed and dated your certification(s).
  • Enclosed a stamped and addressed envelope for each certification.
  • If you chose not to provide a stamped envelope please leave your phone number so that we may call and let you know your document has been completed and ready for you to pick up from Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. If the institution requesting the certification accepts faxes, you may indicate that on the form and Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution will fax the completed certification.
  • Take any document requiring a character evaluation to a Professor, T. A. (Teacher Assistant) or Dean of your College and ask them to fill out the evaluation portion of the document. Please make sure they do not sign the form and are not filling out your dates of attendance and if you are in good standing with the University. The school Registrar and/or Dean of Students Office are the only school official that can validate this information.

The Registrar’s office will attach a print out of an enrollment certification to satisfy the academic portion of the document(s) and forward it to Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution in the Dean of Students office to finish filling out. Once the document(s) has been completed we will call you to let you know it has been completed or mail the document to the requested college in the envelope provided.

This process takes approximately 10 business days. During holidays and application deadlines the process takes 10-15 business days.

Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact the Dean of Students office at (352) 392-1261.