
Submit A Completed Sanction


Students/Student Organizations found responsible for violating the Student Honor Code or the Student Conduct Code will be subject to Sanctions appropriate for the violation(s), with consideration of any mitigating circumstances; including but not limited to the Student’s/Student Organization’s previous conduct record.
Sanctions include any combination of the following outcomes dependent on the violation itself: academic, status, and educational sanctions.

Academic Sanctions

Academic Sanctions are outcomes that impact official University of Florida course grades where violation(s) under the Student Honor Code have occurred. For a violation(s) of the Student Honor Code, a Student/Student Organization will receive one or more of the following academic Sanctions, in addition to any appropriate status and educational Sanctions:

  • 1. Assignment grade penalty with re-submission: A point/grade reduction on the assignment/assessment in question, and with the permission of the Faculty member, an opportunity to resubmit the assignment/assessment with the addition of the implemented point/grade reduction.
  • 2. Assignment grade penalty: A point/grade reduction on the assignment/assessment in question.
  • 3. Course grade penalty with drop: A point/grade reduction for the entire course. However, the Student will be permitted to drop or withdraw the course with approval from the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or designee. Requests for drop consideration must be submitted in writing with rationale to the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or designee, where the final approval rests and is not eligible for independent appeal outside of the formal conduct appeal process
  • 4. Course grade penalty: A point/grade reduction for the entire course. There will be no ability to drop or withdraw from the course for any reason.
Status Sanctions

Status Sanctions are outcomes that impact a Student’s/Student Organization’s standing with the University of Florida, including any privileges associated with being a University of Florida Student/Student Organization, which could also include the ability to be a University of Florida Student/Student Organization.

    • 1. Written reprimand: Official notice and recognition that the behavior of a Student/Student Organization has violated the Student Honor Code and/or the Student Conduct Code.
    • 2. Conduct review: An official notice that the Student/Student Organization conduct has violated the Student Honor Code and/or the Student Conduct Code, but is not sufficiently serious to warrant expulsion, suspension or probation. A Student/Student Organization on conduct review shall have their conduct under review for a specified period of time. This Sanction may require regular meetings with an appropriate official to ascertain and evaluate compliance with rules. Additional restrictions or conditions also may be imposed, depending on the nature and seriousness of the misconduct. Students/Student Organizations placed on this Sanction remain in good standing with the University. If there is a finding of responsibility for subsequent violations of the rules during this period of time, more severe Sanctions may be administered.
    • 3. Probation: A period of time where a Student/Student Organization is deemed not in good standing with the University of Florida. Should the Student/Student Organization be found responsible for any additional violations of University policy or fail to complete any assigned Sanctions by the assigned deadline(s), they will be subject to additional Sanctions; including but not limited to increased status Sanctions. Probation can also include the loss of specific University privileges as deemed appropriate by the Hearing authority. Determination of whether a Student may represent the University as a Student athlete will be made by the University Athletic Association.
    • 4. Loss of University privileges: Loss of University privileges can include but is not limited to: Attendance at athletic functions, holding leadership positions within Student 46 Organizations as defined by Student Activities and Involvement or individual Student Organization by-Laws/constitutions, representing the University in any extracurricular activity or official function, study abroad, unrestricted University facility use, parking privileges, University computer usage, loss of social/philanthropy activities, ability to participate in intramurals, ability to reserve space for meetings/events on-campus, loss of block seating, ineligibility to receive future Institutional funding.
    • 5. Deferred suspension: Deferred suspension from the University of Florida is a period of review where the Student/Student Organization is not in good standing with the University and must demonstrate an ability to comply with University rules, Regulations, and all other stipulated requirements; which includes a loss of University privileges. If, during the period of the deferred suspension, the Student/Student Organization is found responsible for any additional violations of University policy or fails to complete any assigned Sanctions by the assigned deadline(s), the Student/Student Organization may be immediately suspended from the University for a minimum of one semester and until any outstanding Sanctions are complete.
    • 6. Suspension: The Student/Student Organization will be separated from the University for a specified period of time and/or until certain conditions are met.
    • 7. Expulsion: The Student/Student Organization will be permanently separated from the University and will not have the ability to return as a Student/Student Organization at any point in time.
Educational Sanctions

Educational Sanctions are outcomes that provide a Student/Student Organization with opportunities to repair the harm of their actions and to engage in meaningful developmental experiences that will help the Student/Student Organization in avoiding future violations of University policy.

    • 1. Educational Sanctions can include but are not limited to completion of a seminar, assignment, substance consultation/evaluation, psychological consultation/evaluation, restitution and community service.
    • 2. Residence hall transfer or removal: A requirement to transfer residence halls or leave the residence halls for a specified or indefinite period of time.
    • 3. No contact directive: which will prohibit, for a period of time, both (all) parties from communicating directly or indirectly with one another, or through intermediaries, and restrict them from being in the same physical space simultaneously.